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Understand who buy from

Know when they make descions that will impact you

Supplier Ratings and Risk Assessments

SupplierRate has developed a holistic risk framework that identifies and monitors supplier risk across more than seven risk dimensions, including financial, integrity, market, political, geographic, and general business risks. Our extensive expertise and access to large datasets have enabled SupplierRate to develop advanced risk assessments that can be tailored to client's needs and adapted over time. Contact us for a consultation.

Supplier Master Data Solutions

We are experts in sourcing and validating data on suppliers, with solutions that support the entire lifecycle of master data management, from initial collection, to validation, monitoring, and updating. Our tools include workflows, file exchanges, database synchronisation and various forms of integration to assist with efficient updating and monitoring of our client's master data.

Rate My Business

SupplierRate offers a specific service to suppliers who wish to differentiate themselves by proactively sharing information with SupplierRate in exchange for an independent risk rating. This independent rating assists suppliers to gain access to RFPs and procurement processes of large organisations.

Supplier Registration Portal

Large companies struggle to deal with the flood of calls, emails, and requests from prospective suppliers who wish to offer their services. But very few of the requests have been organised in such a way as to include these on the next relevant RFP. Our Supplier Registration Portal provides a simple link from your website to a tool that receives the supplier information, validates it, and organises it for easy access at your next procurement event.

Conflict of Interest Assessments

Are your employees connected in some way to your suppliers? How do you verify conflict-of-interest declarations? SupplierRate has developed a powerful relationship mapping tool that uses available company information in South Africa to discover relationships that might lead to supplier favouritism or even fraudulent behaviour. This service can be implemented annually, quarterly, or even monthly.

(Available in South Africa only)

High Risk Association Assessments

Are your suppliers connected in some way to high-risk individuals or corrupt organisations? Is your company at risk of inadvertently funding and supporting these individuals and organisations? SupplierRate's powerful relationship mapping tool identifies where your supplier base is exposed to these networks, giving you data needed for your risk management team to consider. 

(Available in South Africa only)

We Integrate With Your Ecosystem

Our offering includes a range of options to consume our reports, ratings, and data. Please contact us for a consultation.

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